ASA Athlete

AJ Anaya
Mexico flagAJ Anaya
AKA: 'Anayatoter'
Hometown: Costa Mesa, CA
Age: 39
Height: 5' 7
Weight: 155
Sports: ,
Sponsors: S&M Bikes, Freegun Underwear, Pusher BMX, Vitamin Water

  • 2012 ASA Big-Air BMX Triples, Orange County, CA - Day 2: 10th
  • 2012 Lords of Dirt, Bedford, England - Park: 6th
  • 2012 FISE BMX Park Pro, Costa Rica - 5th
  • 2010 MegaRamp ASA BMX Triples, Sacramento, CA: 7th
  • 2010 Warriors of Wood, San Jose, CA - 2nd
  • 2010 Toronto BMX Jam, Toronto, Canada - 9th