ASA Athlete

United States of America
Hometown: Fountain Valley, CA
Age: 37
Height: 5' 8''
Weight: 165
Sports: Big Air Triples, BMX
Sponsors: Red Bull, S&M Bikes, DC Shoes, Skullcandy, Oakley, Demolition, Epic Ride Shop, Team Soil
Riding for 9 years, enjoy riding big trails nice bowls and good street.1st place at Cam Whites hill side jam and 6th place at Redbull Elevation, competes in Dew tour and LG events along with local contests and jams. Surfing on Hunington beach all day long!
- 2010 ASA Big Air Triples, Augusta, GA - 10th
- 2010 Red Bull Stomping Grounds, Chicago, IL - 3rd
- 2009 Warriors of Wood, San Jose, CA - 3rd
- 2009 Big in Bavaria, Germany - 4th
- 2009 ASA Big Air BMX Triples, Costa Mes, CA - Semifinalist
- 2008 Red Bull Elevation , Whistler, Canada - Dirt: 6th
Years as a Pro: 2
Career Highlight: 6th place Redbull Elivation
What's on your iPod: Broken Screen
5 things you always travel with: Phone, Surf mags, Tooth brush, Back pack
Signature trick: 360s